Grady ranked at highest level by Chambers USA
Weil Brown’s Tim Grady has once again been ranked at the highest level in the area of banking and finance by Chambers USA, an independent organization that ranks leading lawyers and law firms across the U.S. based on market analysis, research and client interviews.
The publication listed Tim as “Band 1,” which is the highest rating offered by the research firm. “Timothy Grady is esteemed by sources for his longstanding experience in advising lenders and borrowers on significant financing transactions,” noted the Chambers USA guide. It quoted research interviewees as saying:
"He does a great job checking everything to make sure his clients are protected, and puts things into layman's terms that they can understand."
"An extremely knowledgeable, thorough lawyer who understands finance law better than anyone."
Tim is chair of Weil Brown’s Banking and Finance practice group, which was also ranked by Chambers USA, a ranking that Tim attributes to having an outstanding team of lawyers, paralegals and support staff.
“Expert banking and finance group with a strong pedigree in lender-side mandates, often counseling clients ranging from local and regional institutions to finance companies and wider alternative capital providers, alongside a growing reputation for its borrower-side work. Active on the full scope of financing matters, demonstrating expertise in areas such as syndicated loans and financings, with particular strengths in midmarket transactional work.”