Board and committee counsel

It's more important than ever that Boards of Directors and their appointed committees evaluate their performance through a fair and objective process. At Weil Brown, our attorneys have guided public and private companies through the Board self-evaluation process many times.

The Board self-evaluation process can be approached in a few different manners. One option is for our team to send out a questionnaire to be completed by the Board members. We then compile a summary of the questionnaire responses and discuss them during a meeting of the Board or relevant committee. Another option is for us to send out questions for Board members to consider. Then, the Board or committee would have a meeting in which the questions would be addressed and discussed at length. In both cases, we would be happy to attend the meetings and lead the discussions.

In addition to Board self-evaluations, we serve boards and committees in several key legal areas including:

  • Board and committee advice
  • Securities offering and compliance reporting
  • Corporate governance
  • Executive compensation
  • Insider trading training, investigation and legal defense
  • Proxy contests, contentious stockholder proposals
  • Special investigations by boards of directors or committees
  • Government inquiries
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Defensive takeover strategies
  • Going private