Property development

Weil Brown attorneys have decades of experience in commercial, industrial and residential development projects. From green field development to brownfield redevelopment, the Weil Brown team has worked with our national and local clients to develop properties for all types of successful end uses. We provide legal services – in zoning, real estate work, environmental audits and due diligence, environmental site assessments, regulatory permitting, and most significantly for the redevelopment of legacy contaminated property, legal experience in understanding and implementing brownfield remediation laws, such as Ohio’s Voluntary Action Program (VAP).

On brownfield sites, we assist clients to transform contaminated and undervalued properties into viable and commercially successful new uses. We've worked on brownfields properties for the last 20 years in Ohio’s urban communities and across the eastern, midwest and southern United States. Weil Brown’s experience in clean-up and real estate development include everything from corner vacant or abandoned gas stations or big-lot shopping centers to multi parcel former industrial facilities with legacy pollution. Weil Brown understands that brownfield redevelopment by necessity will be a financing challenge made more complex by working with public and private stakeholders with varied interests, concerns and requirements to bring the development to market. To meet this challenge, we apply our knowledge of the legal requirements for successful redevelopment and leverage our relationships with the finance community including private institutional banks, state public and semi-public agencies such as the Ohio Water Development Authority (OWDA), Ohio Development Services Agency (ODSA), JobsOhio, and other public economic development funding, tax abatements and regional planning agencies financing/grants to make the development project economically viable.