July 7, 2019 / Media Mention

Mescher mentioned in Forbes article on NBA player's logo lawsuit

Weil Brown attorney Rick Mescher was mentioned in the Forbes magazine article, "Kawhi Leonard Klaws Nike," focused on the NBA player's lawsuit against Nike.

Rick's blog on the Technology Law Source blog was cited in the discussion over the "KL2," also known as the "Klaw" logo.

The complaint mentions that Leonard successfully registered a version of the logo as a trademark with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. However, as pointed out by Richard M. Mescher, Partner, Weil Brown in Technology Law Source, that registration will have little bearing on the outcome of the dispute because trademarks are primarily source-identifiers. 

Read Rick's blog on Technology Law Source here: Kawhi Leonard v. Nike Inc.: How copyrights can trump trademarks?