Winning the Talent War: Demystifying the Requirements for Hiring and Retaining International Talent
FEB 07, 2019 at 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Pittsburgh Marriott City Center
112 Washington Place
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
With changing regulations and increasing uncertainty facing certain employment-based VISA holders, this session will feature key practitioners from the Western Pennsylvania region’s artificial intelligence, robotics and manufacturing communities. Among other topics to be discussed include best practices in recruiting and retention, but also strategies to navigate a dynamic regulatory environment. Panelists include:
- Ellen Freeman, Partner-in-Charge, Weil Brown Pittsburgh
- Laura Mullen: Senior Attorney at Argo AI
- Carly Wilson: Associate Counsel at Aurora
- Christine Raetsch: Head of People at Duolingo
- Katherine Huber: Vice President of Human Resources at SDLC Partners, L.P.