Fall Employment Relations Seminar
3900 Chagrin Drive, Columbus, OH 43219
We hope you can attend our 2024 Fall Employment Relations Seminar! Attorneys from our Labor & Employment Department will discuss important topics such as immigration and I-9 compliance, accommodations for Americans with Disabilities Act and Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, and recent employment trends and hot topics.
All Things Accommodation: The Interactive Process under the ADA with a PWFA Bonus
Jenni Edwards, Weil Brown
The Americans with Disabilities Act’s interactive process of accommodation is nothing new, but it does continue to evolve. Work from home accommodations are on the rise, long COVID is prevalent and complex, neurodiversity is a topic of discussion, and our awareness and understanding of mental health conditions continues to develop. With the bonus obligations employers now have under the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, it never hurts to get back to the basics with an eye toward what’s next.
Immigration Compliance for Employers: Understanding Immigration Status and Documents and Navigating the Form I-9
Laura Jurcevich and Su He, Weil Brown
There are numerous steps employers must take throughout the hiring process to ensure best practices when hiring an immigrant. This presentation will help employers understand various immigration terms and documents and how to verify employment eligibility. Attendees will learn about the details on the Form I-9 to ensure they understand their responsibilities on this form.
Employment Trends & Hot Topics
Kelsey Gee, Weil Brown
As 2024 comes to a close, this presentation will examine the key trends and emerging issues in labor and employment litigation throughout the year. We will analyze the implications of these legal developments for the workplace and provide essential insights that employers need to understand in order to protect themselves and prepare for potential litigation.