Whistleblowing and retaliation
Federal and state whistleblower laws protect individuals who go public with allegations of suspected corporate or governmental wrongdoing. Although true whistleblowers can serve the public interest, some employees view so-called whistleblowing activities as a way to ensure job security or embarrass a former employer. At Weil Brown, we work with clients to prevent whistleblower claims. If whistleblower activity arises, we can help appropriate reaction to the claims and successful defense.
Our attorneys can help develop internal complaint procedures that bring potential issues to the attention of management for resolution. With proper complaint procedures, employees have no need to air claims outside the company. If a company becomes the subject of whistleblower claims, we assist with analysis and developing a strategy for response. We counsel managers and supervisors on ways to avoid creating retaliation claims while continuing to manage employee performance. Should whistleblower claims go to court, we help challenge the claims both procedurally and substantively, and collect the evidence needed to show that any adverse employment decisions lack a causal relationship with any alleged whistleblowing activity.