March 12, 2021 / Media Mention

Garrison blog named in weekly "Top 10 in Law Blogs: One year since COVID"

Weil Brown's Carrie Garrison was recently mentioned in a blog article from Lexblog called  "Top 10 in Law Blogs: One year since COVID."

Texas power outages threaten mass litigation: Should potential defendants be shaking in their cowboy boots?

Following the winter storm that devastated Texas and left millions without electricity and water, a number of lawsuits have arisen against the state’s primary grid operator. Carrie Garrison of Weil Brown discuss how defendants should react and what they should know. She organizes her post in different sections, making it digestible and easy to follow along, published on Energy Law Report. To sum it up, it’s likely that defendants will be protected from mass litigation regarding weather-related claims.

Read the original blog on our Energy Law Report.