December 15, 2022 / Press Release

Sara Schiavone appointed co-chair of DRI Young Lawyers subcommittee

Weil Brown is proud to announce that Columbus litigation attorney Sara Schiavone has been appointed as a co-chair of the 2022-2023 Membership Engagement Subcommittee of the Defense Research Institute (DRI) Young Lawyers Steering Committee. The subcommittee is responsible for planning, organizing and coordinating efforts to engage DRI’s membership throughout the year.

Sara assumed her new role as co-chair during the DRI Annual Meeting in October. The co-chairs are responsible for directing and delegating the work of the Membership Engagement Subcommittee. This work includes engaging with new group members, coordinating a first-time-attendees program for the YL Seminar and ensuring that all YLC members who want to become more involved in DRI have an avenue for doing so.

The Young Lawyers Committee is unique within DRI because its membership is made up of lawyers practicing across every substantive area within the defense bar. The committee's mission is to provide its members the best professional development, quality CLE programs and networking opportunities of any legal organization.

In addition to this role, Sara has been appointed to serve as chair of the Welcoming Subcommittee of the DRI Products Liability Steering Committee. Sara has served in various other roles in the DRI Product Liability Steering Committee over the past five years.