Antitrust litigation
The evolution of technology has increased the level of competition across industries worldwide, enabled more sophisticated marketing and promotion, and allowed companies to possess increasing amounts of personal and sensitive consumer data. No matter the size of a company or the industry impacted, both antitrust and consumer protection law are a critical concern for every business.
Weil Brown’s antitrust and consumer protection attorneys have extensive experience resolving these complex issues across a variety of industries, particularly agriculture, health care, oil and gas, and technology.
We offer clients a broad antitrust capability, from counseling to M&A defense to litigation, as necessary. Our experience is complemented by our longstanding working relationships with federal antitrust enforcement agencies including the Antitrust Division of the Department of Justice and the Federal Trade Commission, as well as with state agencies.
Similarly, we regularly counsel clients with respect to their consumer protection-related matters, particularly a client’s marketing and advertising practices, as well as their data security and privacy policies and activities. Additionally, we have extensive experience vigorously defending clients accused of violating state and federal consumer protection law.