October 7, 2022 / Press Release

Lauren Beck Alaimo named president of NKFF board

Celebrates over 21 years of volunteer service to the National Kidney Foundation of Florida

Weil Brown is proud to announce that partner Lauren Beck Alaimo has been named president of the board of trustees of the National Kidney Foundation of Florida, Inc. (NKFF). Lauren Beck has served on the board for many years and in various other volunteer roles with NKFF for decades. She will serve a two-year term as president of the board of trustees, from 2022-2024.

“I cannot say enough about Lauren Beck and her incredible dedication to NKFF,” shared Savanna Lanza, CEO of the National Kidney Foundation of Florida, Inc. “We are so grateful for her leadership, continued volunteer service and unyielding commitment to helping us achieve our mission and goals.”

In her new, volunteer role as president of the board of trustees of NKFF, Lauren Beck will lead the nonprofit organization’s executive committee and board of trustees meetings, align and drive its strategic plan, and help in building valuable connections to raise awareness about kidney disease and organ transplantation. She also continues to shepherd donor gifts and bequests and advise NKFF about charitable gift planning.

“Lauren Beck truly understands, supports and is passionate about the mission of NKFF and what it means to so many families throughout our Florida communities,” said Savanna. “Already, she is working diligently with our leadership teams to help position us to reach our goals and achieve even greater success.”

Lauren Beck’s connection to NKFF is a personal and everlasting one. She has been a “kidney mom” for many years and her son was the recipient of a life-saving kidney transplant in 2016. Lauren Beck first became a volunteer with NKFF shortly after the birth of her son, hoping to learn more about chronic kidney disease.  More than twenty-one years later, she continues to advocate for the needs of Florida’s pediatric kidney patients and their families.

About NKFF
The NKFF is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt, voluntary health agency affiliated with the National Kidney Foundation. Its activities are governed by a volunteer board of trustees. All programs and services are made possible through the contributions of a generous public.

The mission of NKFF is to prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases, improve the health and well-being of individuals and families affected by these diseases, and increase the availability of all organs for transplantation. The NKFF is a vital resource for kidney patients and their families – helping them learn how to cope with the physical and psychological aspects of the disease and providing them with hope for the future.