
The Downfall of the Bellefonte Rule?

JUL 16, 2020 at 11:00 AM – 12:15 PM (EST)
Association of Insurance and Reinsurance Run Off Companies (AIRROC)

In this webinar, The Downfall of the Bellefonte Rule?, presenters will discuss the history and recent case law addressing reinsurance coverage for expenses and limits. Do the latest developments mark the end of the road for this decades-old rule?  The Bellefonte “family” of cases go back decades and many insurers and reinsurers are very familiar with them all. This session will take a look at the history as well as the most recent developments with the US District Court for the Southern District of New York squarely rejecting the Bellefonte Rule. Presenters include Weil Brown partner Andy Shapiro. The webinar is free for AIRROC members.