October 25, 2021 / Press Release

Turnbull elected as a DRI national director

Litigator Tracey Turnbull, partner-in-charge of Weil Brown's Cleveland office, has been elected as a national director to the DRI Board of Directors. DRI is the leading organization of defense attorneys and in-house counsel across the globe. DRI's national elections were held during its annual meeting in Boston last week. Turnbull will serve a three-year term as one of 12 national directors on DRI's Board of Directors.

“Tracey inspires us with her exemplary work for and dedication to DRI,” shared Jim Curphey, chair of Weil Brown’s Litigation Department. “We are proud of her election to this prestigious position as she continues our firm’s longstanding legacy of leadership and service with DRI.”

An active member of the organization, Turnbull recently completed her two-year term as chair of the Commercial Litigation Committee and has held numerous other leadership roles on several DRI committees. At last week’s annual meeting, Turnbull was honored with the 2021 DRI Davis Carr Award.

About DRI
With more than 16,000 members, DRI is the largest international membership organization of attorneys defending the interests of business and individuals in civil litigation. DRI has served the defense bar for more than 50 years focusing on five main goals: education, justice, balance, economics, and professionalism and service.